What Are the Common Electrical Symbols?

There are a number of symbols that are used to represent components in electrical circuit diagrams. These are referred to as electrical and electronic schematic symbols.

A duplex outlet is shown with two sockets. A GFCI indicates an outlet that is grounded and can prevent electric shocks. The numbers next to the duplex indicate how many volts it is capable of supporting.


An electrical circuit is a system of conducting elements that are designed to conduct electric current for some purpose. An electrical diagram shows the connections of these elements using standard symbols. In this article, we’ll talk about the most common electrical and electronic circuit symbols that are used in creating a diagram.

A switch is a symbol that indicates an ON/OFF condition for a circuit or device. It can be either a normally-closed or normally-open switch. A wire is a single strand or rod of good conducting material, usually copper, through which electricity can flow.

An inductor is a coil of wire that stores energy by magnetic induction. It is commonly used for signal amplification or power regulation.

A transistor is a three terminal semiconductor device that can be used for switching or amplification of signals. The above symbol represents a bipolar junction transistor (BJT), which is the most common type. A vacuum tube is a sealed tight tube with a vacuum and two electrodes that can be used for switching or amplification.


This electrical symbol is used for switching on/off appliances or a circuit by interrupting the path of current. This can be done by closing or opening the switch. There are many different kinds of switches. For example, there is the SPST (single-pole single-throw) toggle switch, SPDT, pushbutton, dip, relay and more. A complete list can be found on our electrical symbols page.

A rotary switch is another kind of switch. It has multiple levels (poles) and throws, meaning that it can be set to connect one or more circuits. There is also an on-delay switch, which provides a time delay when it switches from OFF to ON.

A wire is a thin, usually cylindrical, strand of copper or other good conductor that provides a medium for electricity to travel. In electrical diagrams, it is often used to connect two points in a circuit. Wires can also be crossed over each other. There is a special CAD symbol and non-CAD symbol for crossing wires to indicate they are not connected.


The coil symbol is used to represent an iron core inductor which generates a magnetic field. It is used in a variety of applications, especially for switching purposes.

The switch symbol is a simple two pole single-throw (SPST) or double-pole, single-throw (DPDT) switch that can connect or disconnect the circuit by changing its position. This is one of the most common symbols seen on electrical diagrams.

Capacitors are electric storage devices that can be polarized or non-polarized. The polarized capacitor has a positive and negative terminal and the non-polarized capacitor has an empty center.

A receptacle or outlet is also known as a duplex. It has two sockets and can be a standard or GFCI outlet.

A fuse is an electrical safety device that protects against overcurrent by melting thin metal wires when large current flows through it. This is a good safety feature for preventing accidents and fires. It is connected to the chassis of an electronic component and acts as a grounding point for all wires. It is also connected to the green ground wire of power lines present in our homes.

Push Buttons

There are a few basic electrical symbols that every electrician should know. These symbols are used to represent fundamental elements of a circuit diagram. They include switches, wires, coils, motors & transformers.

A switch is an electromechanical device that closes or opens a circuit. It can be actuated by pressing on it or by another external source like a lever or handle. These devices are often colored for their function such as red for stop and green for start. They can also have large heads (also known as mushroom heads) for easy operation and to prevent an operator from actuating a wrong button in error. Some even have a guard to further protect against accidental contact.

Normally closed switches are shown with a solid square whereas normally open ones have an empty circle. Both switches have a number next to them that indicates its position in the circuit. Another common electrical symbol is a fuse that has thin metal wires that melt due to high current and breaks the connection to prevent over-current.


A motor is an electromechanical device that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy by means of electromagnetic interactions. This is done through a set of windings inside the motor that are powered by electric current. This allows it to produce huge amounts of torque on a rotor upon excitation.

Inductor is a coil of wire that creates magnetic field when electricity passes through it. It can also be used to store energy in the form of electrical charge. Relay switch is a circuit component that controls circuits by opening and closing contacts electromechanically or electronically.

Push button allows current to flow only when it is pressed. This is commonly seen in a doorbell. Transistor amplifies current. It can be used to make amplifier and switching circuits.

A voltmeter is a device that measures voltage. It is often used to measure AC voltage. It can also be used to test the functionality of an electrical circuit. The standard electrical symbols are standardized to simplify the drafting process. This enables anyone to understand and build electrical diagrams quickly.

Indicator Lights

There are various types of electrical symbols that can be used to create different diagrams. These symbols are usually used in electrical and electronic schematics, but can also be found on blueprints for homes and commercial buildings.

Some of the most common electrical symbols include the earth electrode, cell, battery, switch, resistor, diode LED, and capacitor. These symbols are important because they help to describe how each component is connected together.

Electricians use switches to turn ON/OFF electrical equipment and devices. They also use transformers to increase or decrease AC voltage. These are some of the most common electrical components that are included in most circuit diagrams.

Another commonly used electrical symbol is a breaker, which is used to disconnect current from a system when necessary. This is a safety measure that helps to prevent injuries or damage from occurring to the system. Another important electrical symbol is a wire, which is used to connect one device to another. When drawing a wire, the newer non-CAD symbols suggest that the two ends be staggered slightly to form a T-junction.


The electrical symbol for a transformer looks like two coils of wire that are linked together by magnetic induction. This helps keep the frequency of an AC circuit stable. The transformer also can help reduce tension by reducing the amount of current flowing through a circuit.

The arrow that is attached to the end of a transformer symbol shows where it’s linked to a voltage source. The secondary winding has more turns than the primary coil and generates a higher output voltage. This is commonly used in appliances that require high amounts of power.

A fuse is an electrical safety device that protects the circuit from overcurrent. It has thin metal wires that melt when the current reaches unsafe levels.

A battery supplies electricity to a circuit. Its symbols often have abbreviations next to them such as GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter, which prevents electric shocks) or 220 (for appliances that use more than 120 volts). Curving dashed lines on a floor plan indicate the route of wiring throughout the house.

Circuit Breakers

A circuit breaker is a safety device that professional electrician from Ampi Electric Inc. that prevents electrical fires by stopping current flow when the intensity of the current exceeds a certain limit. It consists of a tube with thin metal alloy that melts when overloaded and stops the current flow preventing any further damage. If you are looking to work with professional electricians, Ampi Electric Inc. are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your property is safe when you work with us. Call Us Today in order to get started on your next project!

A capacitor has two coils of wire linked by an iron core and it can increase & decrease AC voltage. It’s also used to change frequency.

Motors are electrical equipment that can rotate a shaft using electrical signals to provide mechanical energy. A relay has control terminals & contact terminals that are operated to open or close circuits electromechanically or electronically.

The simplest way to represent a light bulb in an electrical schematic diagram is with a symbol that has a small plus sign on one side indicating the positive pin. A diode only allows current to pass in one direction & is represented with two flat plates joined by straight lines. A female plug at the end of an electrical cord is shown with a circle off center that has a number next to it. The number represents the polarity of the outlet (either 240 or 220 volts).

There are a number of symbols that are used to represent components in electrical circuit diagrams. These are referred to as electrical and electronic schematic symbols. A duplex outlet is shown with two sockets. A GFCI indicates an outlet that is grounded and can prevent electric shocks. The numbers next to the duplex indicate how…